President Obama and His Use of Social Media

In interesting report titled The Social Pulpit: Barack Obama’s Social Media Toolkit, compiled by a team at Edelman, provides an in-depth analysis of how Barack Obama campaign used social media to their advantage.

Barack Obama won the presidency in a landslide victory (by a margin of nearly 200 electoral votes and 8.5 million popular votes) by converting everyday people into engaged and empowered volunteers, donors and advocates through social networks, e-mail advocacy, text messaging and online video. The campaign’s proclivity to online advocacy is a major reason for his victory. Since the election, the social media programs adopted by Obama’s transition team have foreshadowed significant changes in how Obama, as president, will communicate with – and more importantly – through the mass of supporters who were collected, cultivated and channeled during the campaign. Obama wants to be the first president to govern with BlackBerry in hand; he will certainly be the first with a legion of 13 million advocates at his fingertips.

Take a look and read the full report here. Some of the tips might come in handy. And, of course, share your thoughts and comments.

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