Lexis, Bloomberg Law, and Westlaw Summer and Graduate Access 2014

Information on summer access to Lexis, Bloomberg Law, and Westlaw for students who are NOT graduating in May:

Lexis has no restrictions on use over the summer, and you do not have to do anything to extend your password.

Bloomberg Law has no restrictions on use over the summer, and you do not have to do anything to extend your password.

Westlaw requires that you extend your password for the summer to have full access to Westlaw. There is a big banner on www.lawschool.westlaw.com promoting password extension. If you don’t extend your password, you will only have access to Westlaw for 10 hours in June and 10 hours in July.

Summer password extension is only available if a student has a permissible academic use for the password this summer (a summer associate position is still not considered a permissible use). Permissible uses include:

  • Summer classes / study abroad
  • Law review and journal, including write-on competitions
  • Moot court
  • Research assistant positions
  • Unpaid internships / externships

Information on access to Lexis, Bloomberg Law, and Westlaw for students who ARE graduating in May:

Lexis offers graduating students a Graduate Program ID that extends your access beyond graduation. Information about the program is available here.

Bloomberg Law allows access to graduating students for six months after graduation. You do not need to do anything to extend your access.

Westlaw sent an email to graduating students about its Grad Elite program. Graduating students can extend their passwords to enjoy the same level of access to Westlaw as they did as students for up to six months after graduation, through November 30, 2014.

You must complete a short survey in order to extend your password. Once you complete the survey, you will be taken to the screen that allows for the extension of your password.

If you did not receive the email, you can take these steps:

  1. Log onto lawschool.westlaw.com
  2. Click “Rewards”
  3. Click “My Messages”
  4. Look for the extension email with link in the inbox (If not in the inbox, click “Deleted/Archived Items” and the email should be there.)

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