For all of you out there who like to write, blog, or just share your ideas, Legal Blog Watch, an excellent blog that has been around since about 2004, is looking for additional and/or guest bloggers.
John Bringardner writes:
[W]e’re putting up a help wanted sign for a few good guest bloggers. Whether you’ve already got a blog or not; whether you’re in BigLaw, solo practice, law school or somewhere in between; if you were blogging here you’d be home by now.If you think you’ve got what it takes, or you’d like to nominate someone else who does, drop us a line at legalblogwatch@incisivemedia.com. Take a look at these handy guest-blogging guidelines first for an idea of what you’re getting into and what we’ll expect from you. We need folks who can turn around a couple of thoughtful posts on the legal news of the day for us every once in a while — a little like Blawg Review, but more sporadic and without the need for a highbrow theme.
Check out the full announcement!