Never Fear–Environmental Law Survey Study Tips Are Here!

One of the rights of passage of all environmental law students is Environmental Law Survey.  However, as we approach the mid-point in the semester, many students will begin to find that there are a dearth of study aids available for this type of course.  The challenge here being that unlike most traditional substantive courses, those outlines, books and/or Nutshells focusing on environmental law, fail to go over the stautory nuance that is typically tested.  In order to battle the Environmental Law Survey jitters, check out these resources to get your study-aid fix instead:

ABA’s Best Practice Series: Authored by prominent members of the ABA’s Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources, these texts provide and excellent overview of the various major federal environmental law statutes.  Although some of these texts need updating, many statutes have not seen any major changes since the texts have been published.

Congressional Research Service Reports: The Congressional Research Service (CRS) is the public policy research arm of Congress.  Authored by top experts in the area of environmental law and policy, these CRS reports are an invaluable resource for anyone interested in researching new and upcoming issues in the law, however, their dissemination is only allowed at the discretion of Congress–as a result only select materials are available to the public.


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