April 30, 2015April 26, 2016Lucie Olejnikova Getting Ready for Final Exams? Check Out the Study Aids!
November 20, 2014May 10, 2016Cynthia Pittson The Rights to Implant or Dispose of Cryopreserved Embryos in Case of a Dispute Under Mexican Law
June 27, 2014April 1, 2016Cynthia Pittson Court of Appeals Strikes Down NYC Ban on Large Sugary Drinks
November 21, 2013November 21, 2013jmcneill Antibiotic resistance—the need for global solutions — Lancet Commission
May 1, 2013May 1, 2013jmcneill The changing national role in health system governance. A case-based study of 11 European countries and Australia
April 25, 2013April 25, 2013jmcneill DOJ issues revised National Protocol for Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examinations