Still Struggling With Bluebooking? Check Out the Bluebook Helpers

State Bar of Wisconsin has a post about bluebooking titled Bluebook Helpers: Tool for creating legal citation. Bonnie Schucha, the head of reference at the University of Wisconsin Law School points out the following Bluebook helpers:

CiteGenieAutomagically copy text with correct citations from Westlaw, Lexis, and other websites.”

CiteGenie is a new add-on for the Firefox web browser that automatically creates Bluebook-formatted pinpoint citations when copying from Westlaw or LexisNexis. Highlight some text from a document, right click, and choose “Copy with CiteGenie.” The text and citation are then placed in your clipboard where you can paste them into your word processor or other application.

Introduction to Basic Legal Citation by Peter W. Martin

This work first appeared in 1993. It was most recently revised in May 2007 to reflect changes appearing in the third edition of the ALWD Citation Manual, published in 2006. It is also keyed to the most recent edition of The Bluebook, published in 2005.

Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations

Legal abbreviations can be a puzzle to both new students and experienced professionals. This web-based service allows to search for the meaning of abbreviations for English language legal publications, from the British Isles, the Commonwealth and the United States, including those covering international and comparative law. A wide selection of major foreign language law publications is also included. Publications from over 295 jurisdictions are featured in the Index. The database mainly covers law reports and law periodicals, but some legislative publications and major textbooks are also included. The Index is still under development.

Let us know what you think and which one was your favorite? We’d love to hear your opinions.

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