Today, November 10, 2010, at 4:00 pm, Prof. John Nolon, James D. Hopkins Professor of Law at Pace Law School, will present on Sustainable Development Law: Keeping Pace as part of the Hopkins Lecture. The event will be held at the Judicial Institute at Pace Law School. For more information, email
Professor John R. Nolon is Counsel to the Land Use Law Center and Director of the Kheel Center on the Resolution of Environmental Interest Disputes. Prof. Nolon has been Visiting Professor of Environmental Law at Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies since 2001. He served as a consultant to President Clinton’s Council on sustainable Development in the mid-1990s and, during that time, studies and wrote about sustainable development in South America as a Fulbright Scholar. In 2009, he was presented the National Leadership Award for a Planning Advocate by the American Planning Association. Prof. Nolon’s current focus is on sustainable development law and managing climate change through land use practices. He participates in the Experts meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. He has written a book on climate change and sustainable development law and is redrafting his law school casebook to include chapters on these topics.
Can’t make it here on time? You can still attend by watching the lecture video in real time.